In addition to furniture design, Italy has also set trends for industrial design. Mi interessa scovare luoghi, locali e oggetti che siano poco ordinari, così come designer emergenti, a cui dare voce grazie ad ITALIANBARK… partendo da Venezia , la città che mi è più vicina e della quale mi piace dare sempre punti di vista originali.
Talian Design Interiors is a full service design firm with a Watertown MA based showroom showcasing finest Italian manufacturers of custom high end contemporary furniture, kitchens, baths & accessories; manufacturers that give utmost importance to functionality, ergonomics & pure design.
The space itself contains all the expected elements, although the deceptively familiar surroundings are not innocently functional but rather tease the viewer, thus provoking new kinds of behavior around the perception of what sexy is, and around the idea of contemporary design.
What: The unveiling of Contents’ showroom remodel, which features a 1,000-square-foot Italian apartment highlighting the country’s contemporary design trends, as well as a design presentation, artist demonstration, door prizes, wine tasting and nibbles.
Shown during Milan Design Week 2016 in its first guise curated by Maria Cristina Didero, the project demonstrates how designers Alberto Biagetti and Laura Baldassari decontextualize visual elements to create a short-circuit between the senses of the body, the preconceptions of the mind and the physical reality of the surrounding environment to create unexpected situations to be experienced rather than viewed.